Learn about the Types of Burials Available at Philadelphia Catholic Cemeteries
Being buried and memorialized at a Catholic Cemetery of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia forges a lasting connection between you, your family, and your church. Choosing the specific type of burial from the various memorialization options is a profoundly personal decision that helps strengthen that connection.
The four links below provide details and guidance on the Philadelphia Archdiocese burial and funeral options available. This includes in-ground, above ground in a mausoleum and cremation options approved by the church.
Come, you whom my Father has blessed, says the Lord; inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world.
I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me will not die for ever.
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The Four Types of Philadelphia Archdiocese Burial Options
You've realized that advance planning your burial is a smart financial investment. Now you want information on Philadelphia cemetery plot locations, the types of burial options, pricing, the order process, and more. Our free Catholic burial planning guide can help. Simply click below to fill out a form and all the information you need will arrive within minutes to your email.
Please click the below links to learn more:
Free, No-Obligation Guide Explains Your Catholic Burial Options